What is it ?

The What is it page allows you to understand the LIFE Biodiv’Paysanne project in its details. Therefore, you will find different kind of articles, interviews and other texts related to the project.

Ferme Salelles Rieucros transition agroécologique

07 September 2022

Support for the agroecological transition of the Salelles-Rieucros farm in Aveyron

Conseil municipal La Fajolle

22 July 2022

Taking biodiversity into account at the communal level, by Marc San Francisco, Mayor of La Fajolle

Photo Arnaud Martin, président du CEN Occitanie

28 April 2022

Interview of Arnaud Martin, President of the CEN Occitanie about the LIFE Biodiv’Paysanne project

31 March 2022

What is biodiversity, in general ?

Building a sustainable web design site consists in reducing its impacts throughout its life cycle, from its design, through its use, its transport if necessary and this, until its treatment at the end of its life. Eco-friendly web design thus makes it possible to create sites that consume less energy in 4 stages: design, web hosting, consultation by Internet users and site administration.

The LIFE Biodiv’Paysanne site is hosted by Infomaniak, a Swiss green web hosting company, which offsets all its CO2 emissions at 200% https://www.infomaniak.com/en/ecology. It was created on the basis of eco-friendly designing with a clean design, light contents, useful functionalities and requests limited to the essentials in order to provide a unique and effective experience to the user.

To find out more about the eco-design of websites, we invite you to read this article: 